THE HUMAN RACE ….. what’s in common

the wonder and beauty
of creativity
that interdependent
co-evolutionary spirit
this oneness
the power of
what’s in common
between all
the human species
that survival of the fittest
of co-operation
the human-kind
an intelligently progressive
of resilience
and transformation
like the transmutation
of the butterfly
from cocoon
all the way to flight
while fighting to live
within the struggle of Nature …..
…… becomes obscured
and lost
in the muddled pool of
inherent  ~
socially embedded
bias and inhibition
that exacerbates
a distracted
out of balance
over-sensitized focus
on an offshoot of difference
rather than mutuality
this manifestation
of nationality
and belief
a high-bred masquerade
for the liberty
of creative diversity
and choice
and its ability
to offer a positive
to the benefit
of the whole
yes….   to all THE HUMAN RACE

only perceptual empathy
and acceptance
of human difference
will rescue us from
the indifference
and lack of concern
for the overall well-being
of all humanity
resultant from
the enabling effect of
and over dependency
had for
this elevated perception
and total immersion
into a devote
societal mentality
bequethed by heritage
within certain
segregated groupings
as to nationality
and belief
that crusades
a sactified
savior complex
with its narrow-minded
that all
would be better off
were changed
to become and act
in a particular way

We the people
the one and only
must continue to be
intelligently progressive
by way of a lived experience
that develops
and utilizes
more of perceptual empathy
that learns
to accept and respect
human differences
while co-existing together
so We the people
envision the need
to see beyond
such differences
and focus more
on the similarities
that are the strengths
of We the people
the human species
that survival of the fittest
of co-operation
the human-kind
an intelligently progressive
of resilience
and transformation
like the transmutation
of the butterfly
from cocoon
all the way to flight
while fighting to live
within the struggle of Nature …..

the wonder and beauty
of creativity
that interdependent
co-evolutionary spirit
this oneness
the power of
what’s in common
between all

Support the creation of ways to improve the overall well-being of all THE HUMAN RACE through more freely accessible and affordable services in the areas of energy, information/education, transportation, housing and health care.

peace out

Words by   ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

intelligently progressive process

A poem written to be in the second book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s, Survive, Not Die! – Adaptive Transitioning.

I think back to the time
before the Revolutionary War
and Thomas Paine
how valuable
that thing called
the printing press was
in publishing the pamphlet
Common Sense
how it helped
the information
the words of perspective
contained within
that pamphlet’s covers
to be
more freely accessible
and affordable
for the every day people
to read
to be informed
and to become
better educated   ~
~    what a timely
and convenient blessing
for the people
back then
’cause of such
they were afforded
the opportunity to ….
…..    be able to weigh
the most pressing issues
formulate their own opinions
and then make
well grounded choices
yes important decisions
appropriate to
that particular time
and circumstance
from the basis of a more
diversified perspective

as my thoughts now transition
from the past to the present day
We the people
of planet earth
one race
in a different time period
now face the most pressing issues
of our day
like earth change
regardless if these changes appear
in forms such as
more violent weather
through global plagues
killer asteroids
an increased amount and intensity
of earthquakes and tsunamis
human born nuclear war or terrorism
maybe even the arrival of
unfriendly extraterrestrials
similar to the printing press of old
We the people
of today
have the Internet
where information
is becoming
more freely accessible
and affordable
for the every day people
to read
to be informed
and to become
better educated  ~
so we are more willing and able
to formulate our own opinions
and then make
well grounded choices
yes important decisions
appropriate to
our particular time
and circumstance
from the basis of a more
diversified perspective
about humanity’s
everlasting future
and overall well-being
through the intelligently
progressive process
of increasing
our Nature ~ IQ
our understanding
about how Nature
and the earth
systemically work

peace out humanity

Words by   ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

We the People initiate Change

A poem written to be in the second book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s, Survive, Not Die! – Adaptive Transitioning.

if earth change
is looming on the horizon
~    regardless
if these drastically disruptive
changes   ~
change the way we live
the way we currently
feel comfortable with
the earth
the ebb and flow
of its seasons
its climate
what we are accustom to  …..
right now   ~
this regulatory system
that has been stable enough
learn then adapt
spread out and prosper
this great dynamic
earth system
without conscience
or bias
will change
like it has before
through either
global heating
or global cooling
some super volcano
or by massive earthquakes
even from objects like asteroids
or meteors dropping
from the heavens
as if planet killer bombs
sent from the Nature gods
or even the unthinkable
the horrific acts
of unfriendly extraterrestrials   ~
if We the people
of the planet
want to initiate change
be prepared to survive
any type or a combination
of these kinds of happenings
be able to adapt
and then transition
our species to be able
to go on in the future
We the people
must proactively
take the lead
take charge of
control the outcome of
our destiny
and not count on Gaia
(AKA – mother earth
poor metaphor
’cause a loving human mother
would not bring harm to her children)
or its gods of the totality
of it all …… Nature
to save us   ~
We the people
must accept our self-responsibility
beyond just ourselves
as individuals
accept that We as Individuals
can choose to be
a Cooperative of Individuals
who want to create as a people
as the humankind
a social environment
a global modal
with a living document
(a work in progress)
or a book of guidlines
that outlines
and will bring forth
novel ideas
concepts and practices
no matter if
new or the old
the tried and the true
that’s modified
or updated to fit
the needs and conditions
of the times
concepts and practices
in conjunction
with innovative technology
that not only will start us
down the road to change
begetting preservation
and survival
but will improve the overall
well-being of We the people
a globally created environment
that will uplift
the spirit of the people
to develop and contribute
more fully as a people
for the everlasting well-being
of all the people ……
and by learning
how to change our ways
to be more willing and able
to proactively make change   ~
increased well-being
and the transformation
of We the people
really   ~   really
within our united
intelligent progression
and to help
prevent discouragement
we must discern
and accept beforehand
or during the process
that all of this
ain’t gonna be easy
‘cause it will take
much struggle
through our effort
within the process of thinking
to emerge
a global think tank of thoughts …..
….    wherein
this united effort by us
We as individuals
but consciously
We the people
living on planet earth
realize   ~
and envision
the cooperative struggle
the emergent effort
of We the people
the human-kind
that if We   ~   change ourselves
through an intelligently progressive
process of   ~
increased well-being
proactive adaptation  ~
and transformation
like the transmutation
of the butterfly
from cocoon
all the way to flight
wherefore   ~   changing
ourselves to live on ……
sustain and survive
despite any type
or a combination
of kinds of happenings
that bring about
drastically disruptive
earth change in the future

peace out

Words by   ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

if ~ We the people strong ~

A poem written to be in the second book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s, Survive, Not Die! – Adaptive Transitioning.

we’ve heard
the fervent
reactionary words
“Boston Strong”
in response to
that cowardly
terrorist act
on that now infamous day
(side note: such terrorizing
are incapable
of dampening
the ultimate spirit
embedded in humankind
through the act of lending
other human beings
a helping hand
in a time of need   ~
~   you don’t knock us down
for long … We the people
bounced back even stronger
after that day
just like 9/11, end note)
which started in Hopkinton
then ended unsuspectingly
with the brutal force
of homemade bombs
near the finish line in Boston
I became concerned
for not only the well-being
of my daughter
who worked nearby
but every human
like her and me  ….
…..   I say
from this perspective
of being human
it’s necessary
to carry forth
the positive energy
of that day
and cry out to the world
these spirited
and heartfelt words …..
if   ~
We the people strong   ~
the We
is then
humanity strong   ~


especially strong  …..
if We
the human race
are going to become
prepared enough
to face head on
and warmongering
acts of behavior
way beyond the impact
of the Marathon bombers
through drastic
disruptive changes
to its earth system
that will become
extremely altered
from what we now know
and have grown accustom to
here on earth
as normal   ~
~    We the people
‘cause of this threat
deceivingly disguised
as some nurturing
mother earth  ….
…..    mindfully
must move beyond
the inference
implied by the THEM
those who claim to know
and insist
now is the time
for the We
to be mainly
mitigation strong
about all this to come  ……
I say   ~
let’s no longer expend
the precious time
have left
until the next
disruptive earth change
cycles through   ….
with feeble attempts
to slow down
our over-blown
contributory impingement
on so-called Gaia
that interdependently built
regulatory system
exquisitely revealed to us
through the genius
of James Lovelock
with the help of Lynn Margulis
but surely
they’d both say
if We asked   ~   that
are not even close
to understanding
how it all works
to even begin to think
can somehow fix it
or slow the earth’s
destructive march
towards disruptive change   ~
~    henceforth
must shed the guilt
of this postulated misnomer
from the THEM
who say
the whole system of Nature
how it acts and reacts
well enough to cast blame
about forthcoming changes
to what’s no more than
our earthly prison
this forcefully gravitated
and restrictively oxygenated
planetary bio-dome
where We
are destined to live
and die
due to
our predisposed beliefs   ~
~    I vehemently
and rebelliously repeat
as a living human inmate  …..
….    one of
We the people
seemingly held captive
to the despotism of
the earth’s ways
let’s shed this guilt
that sinful skin
off the back
of our archetype
devilish snake
so to rid
our collective mind
once and for all
of the vulnerability
possessed within
such an
inhibitive disposition
then We
will be
more willing
and able to fight
for our freedom  …..
…..    our right to choose
by becoming
proactive adaptation strong
the intelligently
progressive process
where the elasticity
nurtured within the human
behavioral pattern
of life sustaining
resilience   ~
~    a co-evolutionary experience
emergent from
cognitive interaction
that cooperatively perceives
the necessity for
and timely
transitional adjustments   ~
within a changing
terrestrial environment
such acts being born
of human inspiration
and novelty  ……
……    an intelligent perception
that’s transformational
to preserve
the generational
We the people   ~
~    symbolically like
the butterfly’s
from cocoon
to the magical

as with Newton’s
realization of
centrifugal force
and gravity  …..
this during
a earth centric
way of belief   ~
~    these eureka
type moments
are needed  …..
when it comes to
drastically disruptive
earth changes   ~
and the sustainable future
of the humankind

please  ….
don’t so quickly
out of
the epic race
for survival
whether if earthly
or amongst the stars above
why   ~   why do some
bet against us  …..
….    haven’t We
adaptively run
the course
many times before
as clearly recorded
in our evolutionary
past  …..
…..    sure
the complexity of today
with the challenges
the obstacles
may seem
even more
and overwhelming
than days gone by
the road of the present
that We
are on
no doubt appears
long and arduous   ~
the terrain
is far less predictable
the potholes   ~
dips and valleys
seem bottomless  …..
…..    full of fire
and brimstone
the hills ahead
look to be
of heartbreak
with gasping
for air altitude
how can
what Nature
will conjure up
and is lying in wait
around the next corner
as far as
whatever form
of drastically
earth change
be it by climate
or some other form
of natural
or human disaster
even extraterrestrial
invasion   ~

why should
We try
what chance
do We
really have
anyhow …..   some say

let us not become overwhelmed
with the perceived magnitude
of these earth changes to come

We must
wholeheartedly try
to envision ourselves
as mentioned before
as the butterfly …   transforming
itself from cocoon
all the way to its flight
across the earthly heavens  …..
…..   to further
enhance our perceptivity
it may be helpful
to see ourselves
as the marathoner
who proactively
for the environment
to be run in   ~   training
to be adaptive
to changing conditions
not only being resilient
in stamina
but transitioning
in pace
resolute in mind
to overcome the setbacks   ~
~    determined in stride
to keep moving
progressively forward
intelligently surveying
the surroundings ….   staying
ready to adjust the approach
no matter
the difficulties suffered
never allowing
to take hold
’cause the proper mindset
is retained
that the finish line
won’t be
quickly or easily
obtainable  …..
….    the process
of human transformation
to sustain and preserve
the survival of our species
is going to be
more like a marathon
not some 100 meter dash
over in seconds  …
…..    as We visualize
the metaphor
of this marathon
type racer during the run
on the road for survival
We the people
of the world
must see
the wisdom
of being energized   ~
and in need of  ….
the moral support
of the crowd
the world populace
We together
are all runners
all participants
no matter if in body or spirit
all of us rooting
and cheering
each other on to victory
when and how We finish
such support
each of us to be
more strong
as humans
through our utilizing
the collective force
of We the people
one   ~
~    strong
like Boston Strong
We the people strong
humanity strong
one focus
one purpose  …..
…..    our differences then
with each other
despite the color
of our skin
our sex
or way of belief
will seem less significant
where our need
to make
everyone like us
fades away
and is left behind
like our footsteps do
in a marathon
this goal for survival
unifies our bodies and minds
our collective spirit
adaptation strong
as on Marathon day
can then
find ways
to help each other
help ourselves
towards the completion
of this metaphorical race
the human
marathon to survival
with a finish line
that not only encompasses
the earth
but wherever
must travel
as a species
to live   ~
~   or
run on and on ….

if   ~
We the people strong   ~
the We
is then
humanity strong   ~

Let’s Survive, Not Die!

Words by   ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Don’t sit on the sidelines of life

The following image & poem will be in the introduction of the second book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die! Adaptive Transitioning.

tired of feeling
for simply being
human   ~
tired of humanity …..   being
for causing
the ills of the planet   ~
tired of hearing
the humankind
has been judged ….
for destruction   ~   to die
not going to survive
THEY say
we deserve it
‘cause of human
deficiency and
the wages of sin
need to be paid …..   reaping
what we’ve sowed
while struggling
to live
evolve and adapt
in an environment
governed systemically
by so-called Laws of Nature
a manifestation of the Divine   ~

DAMNED eternally

even though
we weren’t given
a do-all guidebook
or manual to these
Laws of Nature
to assure our success
when following them   ~
the most of us
you and me
We the people
of the earth
each and every day
are trying to do
the best We can
for our family
and ourselves   ~   wading
waist deep in the mire
the natural waste product
of lived experience …..
……   a process of
intelligent learning
refined by trial and error
within the ongoing struggle
as a species of creation
and self-production
to resist
and stave off entropy   ~

let us ponder …   be aware
maintain the dynamic balance
the yin-yang
the positive and negative
of the feedback loop
between the objective
and subjective
system of reflexive thought
as a collective   ~
reflective consciousness

why should We the people
who choose to accept
not only strive to learn
to help
not to be more
of a burden
on others
at least not more than
what is inherently necessary
but through
cognitive interaction
with a dose of empathy
see the cooperative wisdom
the spiritual essence
within connectivity
and interdependence
to help others learn
how to help
become more
self- reliant
so they in turn
are willing and able
to help others
do the same ……
……   do We the people
have to feel bad
about anything
or everything
feel useless
not worthy of living
numb to the point of apathy
even if
mistakes were made
along the way ….   spirited by
our noble efforts
against the odds dealt us
as to perfecting
our atomic   ~   subatomic
implicate …   explicate
orderly condition
chaotically progressed
through a kind
of bifurcation
creatively titillated   ~

hear me loud and clear
We don’t have to feel bad
about nuttin’…..   especially
if We the people
choose not to   ~
choose to move beyond
such inhibitions
and socially embed

humanity  …
…..   I implore   ~   you and me
us  ……
We the people
must not
sit on
the sidelines of life
as some disenchanted
guilt ridden spectator
‘cause of the bummer rap
placed upon our shoulders
for the trials
and tribulations
the ills of the planet
due to the mirage
of misinformation
spread about
by the THEM
all those
who don’t really
to really know
for sure …..   that THEY
are correct
about how Nature
and its sub-system earth
really   ~   really work
and what effect
a minuscule aspect
in the scheme of it all
has on altering
Nature’s systemic ways
for the worse
by somehow   ~
someway destabilizing
the recurrent pattern
of how all things
seemed to
always have been  ….

……   now is the time
more than ever
while standing in the AIR
~   of
the speculative and assumptive
biosphere of conjecture
that’s over-carbon foot printing
the clarity of the facts  ….
……   to make ready ourselves
prepare   ~   plan to adapt
ardently become proactive
as to a singular focus
on one worthy
all important purpose
the ongoing preservation
of   ~
the human species
instead of squandering
time haplessly away
deeply entrenched   ~
fortified behind
the never-ending
embattlement of our pious
and ridged differences

let’s spring into action

spread the word ….
of our global cause
“Let’s Survive, Not Die!”
dispite what Nature
whips up
as far as drastically
earth change
be it by climate
or some other form
of natural disaster
extraterrestrial ……
…..   whatever

We the people
must firmly believe
in our hearts and minds
that helping others
help themselves ….   finding ways
to improve the overall wellbeing
not for some
but for all   ~   realizing
the pursuit of   ~
and a sense of purpose  ~
~   for all to have
a want to live
~   will in the end
benefit us all  …..
…..   We must also remember
the outcome
produced by
our deeds and actions   ~
our mitigative attempts
to save the earth
or more importantly
our proactive
adaptation planning
to firstly save ourselves …..
…..   it was
far better to have
the foresight to try
as later perceived
in the eyes
of thankful generations to come
than to have done nothing at all   ~
what was the harm
what was the crime
what was the sin
for our heartfelt
and concerned effort   ~

“easier said than done”
as THEY say …..   nuttin’
more than
a motivational speech
just more hot air
from some rabble-rouser
utopist poet
like the title
of that folk song   ~   “blowin’
in the wind”

well …….   unless you help show us
the way  …..

how do We start
this process
and where do We go
from there   ~
are fair and valid questions
that need to be asked

why not start this seemingly
arduous process
with helping ourselves   ~   first
please don’t misconstrue
what I am about to say   ~
for the time being
We must set aside
the romantic notion of being
the savior of all else
at least until after
we have increased
our overall Nature ~ IQ
understandably to the point
of better knowing
how the totality Nature
systemically functions
on its sub-system earth
to give us
the humankind
the ability to begin
and then implement ways
which will save ourselves

We the people
are the bedrock
the foundation
of every country
and the responsibility
rests upon our shoulders ….   finding
the united will
and inspiration to begin
a sort of co-evolutionary   ~
social movement
with our servant
the government
regardless of
its various manifestations
the world   ~   masquerading
for some as ruler ……
……..   each and every nation
should voluntarily
without the lure of monetary gain
nor as a ploy used to obtain
leverage over others
establish   ~
this pro-human
think tank
a one-minded
politically nonpartisan
only possible
or feasible ….
…..   if it has one noble agenda
like the gallant knights
of the round table
with their code of honor   ~
the preservation of our people   ~
solely committed to developing
through a bond forged in integrity
concepts and practices
with the life sustaining objective
of creating a practical
and usable model
adaptive enough
resilient enough
and transitional enough
so its methodology
becomes transformational
a social/economic road map
that We the people can follow  ….
…..   implement and build as one
into a cooperative
and progressive
support system   ~
~   a helping others
to help themselves
to help others
help themselves
help others
self- helping support system
for inproving
the human condition
increase well-being
where such an environment
becomes reliant on itself …   feeding
itself by self- invigorating
the industriousness
of the people to bring forth
a more stabilizing
economic infrastructure
within the process
of supply and demand
more in tune with the present
and integrally embedded
with the foresight
to continually adjust to fit
the future
in conjunction with
the development
of innovative
technologies   ~   working
to stimulate
the production of  …..
….   freely accessible
and affordable
and services
in the following
areas   ~
and housing   ~   creating
employment opportunities
which stimulate the economy
for the ongoing benefit
and growth of the people   ~

~   however

for us …..
…..   We the people
to be successful
by way of our noble efforts
We must
look beyond ourselves
across the horizon
of our borders
the proud as a peacock
puffed up
tail feathers
where We
of a particular nation
possess this mentality
that We are
all that and more  ….
…..   and that seemingly
is all
really matters   ~
~   this lack
of perceptual empathy
our unwillingness
to stand in
another nation’s
not to become as them
or to learn about them
so we can change
to be more like us
but to see the world
from their perspective
another nation’s
way of viewing reality
which in turn
will broaden
our perspective ….   helping us
to more fully conceptialize
how things are
what will happen
and what we need to do to live on  …

~   let us ponder
our inability
as a nation
to do this   ~

our lack of
perceptual empathy
our vision
our ability
to comprehend
more fully
the strength
the wisdom
and the everlasting
of our
interdependency   ~
~  the positivity of
our collective
interconnectivity   ~
~  the inherent
interactively intelligent
adaptively sustaining
and preservative
process of coupling
as a cognitive species
this accumulative advantage
of influence
driven and reinforced
our genetically
need to reproduce   ~
spirited on by
the socially embedded
proverbial command
of holy writ
with words like
multiple   ~
and subdue  …..
…..   no doubt
the enlightenment
found within
factors such as these
hopelessly renders
once and for all
the misnomer
of population control
as a tool serving
mitigative purposes
to slow
the progression of
earth change
as being
not feasible
further revealing
the growth
of the human population
as this force
that can’t be ignored
or deterred

population growth
its expansion
is …..
…..   a powerful asset
massively beckoning
to be utilized
in a positive
and substantial manner

~   eureka   ~
intelligent perception
becomes emergent

the actualization
the realization   ~
~   one nation of humans
can’t overcome ….
….   survive
the enormous
disruptive effect
various forms
of earth change
Nature will impose
on humanity
without regret   ~
~   by themselves

clearly …..
…..   We the people
affect each other
like the moon’s gravity
on the tides of the sea
as the population grows ….
…….   every land of humanity
is a fertile environment
vibrantly teeming
with minds
more than able
to create the all important
and crucial ideas
and practices
in conjunction
with their ability
to develop
innovative technologies
that will contribute
one by one
to the overall solution …..
……..   understandably
We the people
of one nation
will go
about it
a little differently
than another nation
but all will need to see the wisdom
in utilizing
the spirit
of cooperation
by finding a way to build
a partnership
their kind
of government
effectively acquiring
the necessary resources
for getting things done
yes …..   start to
help themselves

each and every nation
that We the people
make up
must see
the ideological value
in forming together a nonpartisan
global think tank
a collectve
of concepts
that evolve into
timely and workable practices
a model for survival
flexible enough
to be molded to fit
the needs
and environmental circumstances
of every nation
a plan that can be adapted
to the social-economic
of their own ways
without changing
their culture
or having to leave
their land
while experincing
a form
of earth change

humanity ….
don’t sit on
the sidelines of life
be proactive
spread the word ….

“Let’s Survive, Not Die!”

then while undergoing
the never-ending
process of
earth change to come
We the people
will be able to be
adaptive enough
resilient enough
to transition
like the butterfly
from cocoon
to flight
as our children
and their children’s children
help each other
to help themselves
if necessary   ~   flying
to the heavens
and beyond
so We the people
shall live
on and on ….
…..   on and on

Words by  ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Direct Action ~ Dedicated to David Eberhardt

as our paths crossed along
the expansive
biosphere….. teeming
with a diversity of life
where acts of violence
or aggression
whether said to be  ~
socially embedded
whether considered  ~
a negative or a positive form
of direct action
like symbiosis
which stimulates
mutual partnering
according to Lynn Margulis
even though
something had to invade
something else to force a bond
to evolve life…. improving
its chance for survival
~  the story of your experience
still to be fully told
in more detail
within the words
of your memoir
For All the Saints
changed me
forever….. stirring
the blood of my soul
my mentor
from there
I grew
I matured
then expanded
my expectation
for peace through healing
by improving on
the overall wellbeing
of all humanity
throughout the world
and the methodology
it would take
to make
such a lofty aspiration
more feasible
through cooperative
nonviolence…. embodying
the spirit of Gandhi
King and Mandela
direct action
(a proactive process)
needs to be
tempered with
patience and tolerance
towards others
especially those
perceived as our enemy
as they will  ~  like you
learned from your interactions
with others
and me as well
within the expansive
~  all humanity
progresses intelligently
at a pace set by themselves
by way of lived experience
and ’cause of such
a process…. and our
better understanding of it
we are less likely to become
discouraged and apathetic
along the way…. avoiding
direct acts out of desperation
while transitioning
to obtain
total transformation
~  a world of joy
felt and nurtured
within the comforting
environment of peace
’cause of you
the knowledge of why
and how
as you say
in your own words
the ‘Saints
did it
I now possess
the hindsight
as I see it
rather than being
some sanctimonious
judger of past events
where now
the luxury of this hindsight
I am more able to discern
the negative
or positive effect
this kind of
direct action had
(blood poured on draft files)
what it did
or did not achieve
in advancing
the cause of peace…..
…..was the reaction
to that act of protest
the value feelings
such a method invoked
did it due to the emotion
produced  ~  overshadow
the metaphor….
with its intention
to dramatically illustrate
the message for the cause

let me pause and say

if it wasn’t for such acts
by The Baltimore Four
as well as others
I (we)
wouldn’t now have
the foresight
on how to better
go about  ~
more effectively
the cause of peace
through a process of healing
by improving wellbeing  ~  today
with its myriad of circumstances
the complexity of the old
mixed with the new
where the manner of our
proactive process
our direct actions
will cause us to adjust
our flight plan periodically
somewhat alter our path
while we doers for change
continue to navigate
the biosphere…..
times…. seemingly
foreboding landscape
polluted with indifference
clouded by impatience
and intolerance
which often stirs up
a violent storm…. raining
down on the powerless
its bloody mayhem
peace  ~  out  humanity

Image & Words by  ~Keith Alan Hamilton~
Dedicated to my mentor David Eberhardt

Thank you for taking the time to observe the creative process of the poems that could possibly be used in the 2nd book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die!  Read the first book in the series PDF version here for free (computers and smartphones):  Also soon to be published for purchase by Inner Child Press.

We the people of the earth

We the people of the earth
must want to
be willingly to
move toward the future
as one
where we
set aside our differences
become team players
to acheive an all important
and imperative objective
the survival of humanity
We the people of the earth
can no longer afford to be
overly sidetracked
in trying to change each other
to fit some unrealistic ideal
where everyone
needs to become the same
this nationalistic clone
We the people of the earth
must also stop being
so absorbed in pointing
the finger of blame
with those proclamations
that pass judgment
for the ills of the world
like little childern
tattle telling
on schoolmates
to the teacher
while avoiding
a measure
of self responsibility
for the matter at hand
We the people of the earth
must shift our energies
concentrate our focus
on the bullseye of the target
those things on the horizon
which threaten
human existence
by proactively preparing
for how to live on
as a species
far  ~  far beyond
whatever obstacles  ~
those being cast before us
be it by demon
the angry gods
or even ourselves
in the form
of the ill-informed mob
We the people of the earth
can do it
in spite of
any threats
that try to wreak havoc
to human wellbeing
despite what
may materialize as
or chaotically disruptive
not only for us
but all the living
whether it does so
overtly, tenaciously or subtly
hidden in camouflage
over  ~  time
We the people of the earth
must keep close to our heart
the words to that song
used through the years
to reflect the positivity
of our attitude
toward our struggle
our endurance
we unitedly must sing…..
We Shall Overcome
We the people shall
walk hand in hand
as one “we are not afraid
We the people of the earth
as we find strength
to push forward
in the remembrance
the history
of our resiliency
by way of adaptation
where transition
came about
after much struggle
through effort
in our way of thinking
we learned
within our experiences
from a process of
intelligent progression
we transformed ourselves
due to the circumstances
to endure and survive
the dynamic landscape
of those times
yes that was
and still is us
now and into the future
the human-kind
We the people of the earth

Words by  ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Thank you for taking the time to observe the creative process of the poems that could possibly be used in the 2nd book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die! Read the first book in the series PDF version here for free (computers and smartphones):  Also soon to be published for purchase by Inner Child Press.

do you believe ~

do you believe   ~
have faith in…..

the power
We the people
working together
as a whole
to become
one humanity
focused on improving
the wellbeing of everyone

I believe  ~  have faith in…..

the way
which leads
to everlasting joy
health and peace

that responsibility
rests on the shoulders
of humanity
and no one else…..

We the people

must find the way
to help each other
help ourselves
so in turn
when helped
we then help others
and on
and round
we go
like the merry-go-round
until the ills of the world
are figured out
become no more…..

do you believe   ~
have faith in…..

We the people
proactively working
together as one
where our legacy
will become   ~
the great healer
the great peacemaker
of the world

We the people
of today
shall become
the leaders
have the foresight
to make the time
to increase
our Nature  ~  IQ

intelligently progressing

so then
through our
acts and deeds   ~
and technological
with adaptive
and transitional
concepts and practices
~   the struggle and effort
put forth in these actions
will bring forth the means
for us to transform
like the butterfly….

help ourselves
our children
and their children
into the future
to survive   ~

by our developing

freely accessible
and affordable
~   energy
~   information/education
~   transportation
~   housing
~   health care
for all….

do you believe   ~
have faith in…..

We the people

Words by   ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Thank you for taking the time to observe the creative process of the poems that could possibly be used in the 2nd book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die!   Read the first book in the series PDF version here for free (computers and smartphones):

Buy it in print here:

~a World smiling with JOY & PEACE~

how so much more
so much fuller
so much better
could and would life be

~a World smiling
with JOY & PEACE~

if we only, yes if only

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
right there
before us
within the modern day
planetary library
accessed over the internet
we would more fully
a diverse perspective  ~
a multiplicity of ideas
in conjunction with
established knowledge
where overall
We the people
will be better educated
develop improved judgments
which will lead to….
the increased ability
to make sound decisions
based on the conditions
of the times
and the foreseeable future
enhanced by
an enriched curiosity
and the treasures
that creativity bestows  ~

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
to go here and there
wherever wanted
even someday
to the moon
and beyond…..
if needed
especially increasing
and promptness
of We the people
not only in work
but in the green fields
of inventiveness
and play as well  ~

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
health care
to mend the body
bring mental healing
and hope to all those
from young to old
where spirits are uplifted
through lessoning worry
over burdens
that previously filled
our thoughts
with ache and pain
now replaced by
a positive outlook
from a healthier wellbeing  ~

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
at our beck and call
at our disposal
being the force
that drives the technology
which helps to maintain
the stability
of We the people
the process adding
ease and convenience
to our everyday routine
also allowing the time
for all those things
deemed by each
and every individual
more important
more special
or more valuable
to the living
of everyday life  ~

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
our personal retreat
the abode
for nourishment
and regeneration
our haven
to grow
experience love
conjoined with
that relationship
between family
and friends
a place
a home
to begin
each day
bring each day
to an end
come to the meaning….
found in the full circle
of completion
accomplishment  ~

how so much more
so much fuller
so much better
could and would life be

~a World smiling
with JOY & PEACE~

if we only, yes if only

We the people
humanity as a whole
if we only had
freely accessible
and affordable
We the people
afforded the chance
the opportunity
the environment
the means
to intelligently progress
increase our overall
so called Nature ~ IQ
grow and prosper
as a whole
become more resilient
less needy
become more
proactively adaptive
not so much the taker
more the contributor
whose acts
whose deeds
whose novelty
sweat  ~
blood and tears
became known
by future generations
as what was
those things
brought forth
as transitionally beneficial
for We the people
by We the people
thereafter helping
to sustain and preserve
the survival of We the people
where humanity
a mutual transformation  ~
like the butterfly’s
transmutation in time
rather than
all these things
health care
and housing
continually being
squandered away
within the pursuit
that quest
called self-interest
only the personal gain
only the short-lived prize
acquired by the select
the fortunate
unfortunately masked
in falsehood
as some birthright
for the privileged few

how so much more
so much fuller
so much better
could and would life be

~a World smiling
with JOY & PEACE~

if we only, yes if only

the destiny
of We the people
is in the hands of We the people

heed this call to action…..

Words by  ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Thank you for taking the time to observe the creative process of the poems that could possibly be used in the 2nd book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die! Read the first book in the series PDF version here for free (computers and smartphones):

the new power

the new power
that essence
the dawn
of fresh
for change
~   is not
the assembly
of words
to follow
method   ~
by a certain
a popular
kind of
rhythm   ~
those words
are all to familiar
with the present
state of affairs
a constant
an ideology
no longer
felt as fitting
by the rebel
kind of sort   ~
~   but rather
felt as if
this burden
upon the people
their physical
and mental
wellbeing   ~
sucking up
their right
and opportunity
to acquire
a process
of freely
~   however
this new power
is not found
in mere word
at least   ~
not word alone
~   its firstly
within the will
of the individual
that person   ~
who steps up
through acts
to take the lead
and then enlists
others   ~
to join
the struggle
through the use
of words
shaped to
a new revolution
finding inspiration
within insightfully
perceptive   ~
ways of
thought   ~
far more
to the times
in which we live
and far more
to the people
as a whole
~   the new power
peace out
my rebel brothers
and sisters
this ain’t about
color of skin   ~
nor national creed
not even
or religion
it’s about
all the people
being the people
the people as one
with a focus
a thriving spirit
for surviving
the planet
a revolution
of resiliency  ~
proactive adaptation  ~
transition  ~
a process
of transmutation
that defies
drastically disruptive
earth change

Words by  ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

Thank you for taking the time to observe the creative process of the poems that could possibly be used in the 2nd book of the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die!  Read the first book in the series PDF version here for free (computers and smartphones):

All Words & Images Copyright © 1999-2015 - Keith Alan Hamilton - All rights reserved.